Clean Up Your Energy

51 energy tools to transform your life & alchemize reality

Becoming more sensitive to energy? Here’s how to work with it:

We are energy beings, always projecting out what’s happening internally for us onto the landscape… and onto each other. Our energy projections hold our truth, shadows, dreams, beliefs, life experience, soul wisdom, what we really think and feel, and so much more.

Energy affects us, greatly. We can feel drained or vitalized by our inner reality, other people, the environment we’re in, the collective consciousness shifts, and cosmic happenings such as solar flares and Schumann resonance.

In this DIY Course, you’ll learn 51 tools with several variations on each, a daily energy routine, bonus shares woven throughout each lesson around energy trauma, your role in this paradigm shift, aligning with your purpose, and how to best integrate it all.

Cultivate clarity, activate vitality, get grounded, & align with your purpose!

SIGN UP for this course and receive a special offer discount on the Energy Guide program beginning in May 2024.

  • Welcoming you into the course and diving into all the benefits of cleaning up your energy, especially in this paradigm shifting time.

    Lessons include:

    • Welcome

    • Why clean up your energy

    • My energy story

    • How to get the most from the course

    • FAQs & Course Logistics

  • Start with an overview of the energy tools, then dive into each one.

    51 energy tools in total with variations on each, designed to address some of the most common issues we face, in the most potent and transformative ways.

  • Now that you have a toolbox full of alchemizing energy techniques, begin to explore how to integrate them into your daily life while reflecting on what your next steps are around energy.

    Also includes a daily energy routine that addresses the most common issues we face on the day to day.

About this course, and your energy guide in it

Hi, I’m Vanessa, your Energy Guide for Clean Up Your Energy DIY course.

I created this offering so you can really get a tangible sense of how simple and profound shifting your energy can be. We can all do it, and we all benefit from doing so!

The end goal isn’t simply to help you feel better, and more empowered, though that is highly likely. My heart and intention is in the paradigm shift, the larger collective change taking place, and your role in it all.

As you clean up your energy, it creates a powerful and alchemical ripple effect farther than you can even imagine.

That is the really cool, and not so cool thing about energy, it’s contagious… quite profoundly so. When you do the work of cleaning up your energy, it automatically activates others to do the same.

Instead of leaking your energy, feeling drained or perpetually unclear, you can now stand in a new kind of strength, vitality, inner freedom, and self-sovereignty that’s more representative of your true, authentic self.

What happens when you clean up your energy?

  • You stop looping on the same thoughts and stories, are better able to shift emotions, and no longer feel like you’re in a holding zone.

  • You start experiencing a profound sense of inner freedom, autonomy, and core peace because you realize you’re no longer a victim to energy.

  • You realize that you have the power to transform your circumstances, and that cleaning up your energy is the key to making it so.

  • You begin to tap into wells of vitality and light within and around you. Your experience of energy changes the landscape of how you view life.

  • Your consciousness shifts and expands. You start seeing what’s possible instead of continuing to argue for your limitations.

  • The tone of your connections and opportunities begin to change. It becomes more obvious that life is always reflecting YOUR ENERGY.

Frequently asked questions

  • Try again. No, really. 😂 Sometimes energy tools won’t work because we are set on believing they won’t so we won’t notice when they actually do. Sometimes practicing a tool daily, or for a longer amount of time, will make the difference in it working. Also, there’s 51 energy tools within this course. Something will work. Promise.

  • Well, you might feel sensations, experience new perspectives, or have a deepening of connection to your life. Weird is subjective and we all have our own invisible lines that might get crossed when we venture into territory that’s new for us. If you come across an energy tool within the course that doesn’t feel compatible for you, trust your intuition, and don’t do it.

  • That’s awesome! Now you can add onto what you know and expand your toolbox.

  • That’s up to you. Like anything, the more you put into it and the more consistently you apply it, the more you’ll get out of it.

  • No. They can become more potent with practice. The only thing that can get in the way of them working is you choosing to think they stopped working. I highly recommend focusing on even the subtlest shifts to reinforce that it is working. Pro tip for life too. 😉

  • Such a fab question. In a nutshell, it’s because there are larger energetic shifts taking place right now. I go into details about this on my free YouTube playlist, The Old Earth-New Earth Series.

    To finally and fully understand your energy sensitivity AND know how to best work with it, join my Energy Guide program.