Building a bridge between the Old and the New Earth

The decade of 2020-2030 is a transitional and transformational time between the old and new earth. We are being called to navigate the breakdown of the old while simultaneously and intentionally working to create the new. It is both an internal and external task to tend to, requiring a level of rootedness and presence that can be challenging to experience when life is appearing to fall apart.

Enter the bridge builder crew, an affectionately named soul group which I happen to belong to.

The bridge builders are here to quite literally and energetically bridge the gap between the old and the new, light the way toward the new, and build the systems and structures for the new earth paradigm. That is the mission.

It’s quite a multitasking assignment, and yet, exactly what we are templated to do.

The bridge builder crew has a unique energetic signature, where they are designed or templated with both the old earth AND new earth structure within them. Because they are familiar with and have experienced the old earth paradigm firsthand, they feel more relatable to those who are ready to make changes and are looking for guides or facilitators who have walked the path before them. This relatability also supports them in envisioning, building, and creating what’s next.

Because they have both old and new templates within them, they are especially sensitive to the shifting energies right now. They feel the breakdown of the old and the breakthrough of the new more intensely energetically, even before it is evident on the physical plane of reality.

This is why I created the Energy Guide certification program - to support those in the bridge builder role to better navigate the energies for themselves and for effectively guiding others through the process as well. So many are affected by the energy and don’t even realize it!

Are you here to be a bridge builder? Check out this series on being one - part 1, part 2, and part 3.

Vanessa Smith - Energy Guidance

Energy Guide and Spiritual Mentor, Messenger, & Mobilizer around aligning your purpose work with this paradigm shift. You are here for a reason. Own your role with soul level confidence and crystal clear clarity, as you pave the way forward, building and bridging to what’s next.

Founder of New Earth Collab, where you can grow your transformational business in community and gain the momentum, impact, and connection you know you’re here for.

How trauma shapes your business


How old and new earth paradigms differ