How old and new earth paradigms differ

The paradigm shift we are in is a transition and transformation time between the old and new approach to how we live and relate to life. One of the easiest ways to understand New Earth is by looking at the qualities of the old and the new. This contrast will give you a better picture of what’s been happening, why it isn’t working, and what we are shifting into as a result.

The Old Earth, or old earth paradigm, is a model based on a closed system rooted in lack, limitation, fear, scarcity, rigidity, disempowerment/victimhood, programming based on societal expectations, and purely focused on the physical aspect of life. It takes a top down, boxed in, mechanistic approach to how we live. This can be seen across all domains, including but not limited to - education, economy, career, healthcare, environment, community.

The New Earth, or new earth paradigm, is a model based on an open system rooted expansiveness, abundance, our divine nature, multidimensionality, natural rhythm, and wholeness or holism (body-mind-emotion-energy-spirit). While these are higher frequency concepts, when applied, they make the most practical sense for daily life.

In the New Earth, the focus is on individuation, legacy contribution, the transformation process, spiritual alignment, intuitive knowing, inner peace, and connecting with others based on resonance rather than duty. Here, energetic awareness is the foundation for physical expression or creation in the world. Essentially, we choose how to act based on our understanding of and alignment with the energy, rather than do what’s expected or what we are programmed to.

What other differences have you noticed between the old earth and new earth paradigms?

Vanessa Smith - Energy Guidance

Energy Guide and Spiritual Mentor, Messenger, & Mobilizer around aligning your purpose work with this paradigm shift. You are here for a reason. Own your role with soul level confidence and crystal clear clarity, as you pave the way forward, building and bridging to what’s next.

Founder of New Earth Collab, where you can grow your transformational business in community and gain the momentum, impact, and connection you know you’re here for.

Building a bridge between the Old and the New Earth


How systems and structures are changing