How systems and structures are changing

One of the foundational aspects of this paradigm shift has to do with transitioning out of old systems and structures into the creation and build of the new. We are living in both the breakdown and the breakthrough of it all right now.

Have a look at the examples below around how the systems and structures have different ideologies and practices. Some are obviously falling apart, even to the mainstream level of consciousness. Others, you may need to dig a little deeper than the surface to see what is going on and outlined here. But if you pay attention to energy, it’s pretty clear.

You may perceive the examples below differently depending on your age/generation, culture, experience, and personal disposition. There’s no right or wrong, only an illustration of where we are on the continuum of this shift.


Old Earth

“You have to go to the public school system. You will be taught in the same way everyone else is. You will be expected to go to university. Your life from age 5-22 will be dedicated to being in this educational system 5 days/week, for much of the day, with homework, regardless if it’s developmentally appropriate for you to do homework or not, regardless if you have other commitments (family, play, social, sports). The curriculum is what we decide whether it’s relevant to how society has evolved or not.”

New Earth

“Everyone has a different learning style, passion, preference, creative approach, and natural rhythm. The public school system may fit you, or not. You have the option to home school, charter school, world school, un school. You are encouraged to learn about yourself, connect with a sense of purpose, discover how you might best like to contribute to the world, and try various subjects. Curriculum offers various foundational skills applicable to daily living. Emotional intelligence is valued and nurtured.”


Old Earth

“There is never enough. We are running out of food, water, resources, and money. Inflation is sky-high. Those outside of the top 1% are getting priced out of ownership whenever the market fluctuates. Do you feel out of control? Good, because you have none. You must wait it out until those hoarding the economic resources decide we are out of a recession. Then, it will be time to focus on spending everything you have on consuming resources to make you feel better on the exterior, but internally you’ll feel depleted. You will likely spend most of your life unsure of how to play this economic game.”

New Earth

“There is enough, in fact, more than enough. It’s about distribution of the resources and who claims to own them. There are many ways to create exchanges for goods and services, with and without monetary compensation. Anyone can be a philanthropist. What is it you truly desire to experience, and think you would, after you acquire a certain amount of wealth? Your energy is the first step in creating the wealth and prosperity your soul knows is your birthright. Start there. Then add in aligned action + intuitive strategy to connect you with those you can build your wealth ecosystem with. Your true currency and power lies in your vitality and vision. That’s what shapes the New Earth economy.”


Old Earth

“You go to school. You get a job. You work 9-5. You work overtime. You work 80 hours a week. You are a cog in a wheel. You are easily replaced. You must hold on to your job because who knows what will be available if you leave it. A recession will come. Emergencies happen. Better keep a job that can pay for your health care and lifestyle, no matter if you’re fulfilled or not. Work at the same place your whole life. Retire to then enjoy the good life, maybe. Then die. If you consider starting a business, make sure you are fraught with worry and limitation perspectives so you give up and go back to how we’ve already structured the way humans work.”

New Earth

“Design your life around what you feel called to do, lit up by, enjoy, are fulfilled with, innately designed to do, and feel a sense of purpose. Work is mean to nourish you. Your work may continually evolve as you do, and that’s ok. Some of us are designed to be consistent and in one field while others are not. This is about getting to know you, and how you want to contribute work wise. It looks different for everyone.”


Old Earth

“Let’s focus solely on the symptoms, apply a bandaid literally or metaphorically, defer to the doctor as the authority over your own sense and body autonomy, let yourself and others invalidate your own assessment, see all health issues as problems to solve then do so only through a limited scope of understanding, take pills the system is getting paid to push. The practitioner-patient rapport or relationship doesn’t matter. Appointments are short. Comply with recommendation or get canceled as a patient and person. Potentially go bankrupt if you need any kind of special healthcare attention. Lifestyle choices and emotions have nothing to do with why you’re sick.”

New Earth

“Your body has an incredible and innate ability to heal, restore balance, create optimized vitality, and is always dynamically shifting. Health practitioners and healers are wise, knowledgeable, and niched facilitators of healing, supporting your body in doing what it naturally knows how to do. The way you think, feel, work with your energy, interact with the world, communicate, spend time in nature, what and how you eat and move, the quality of your relationships, and your connection with God/your soul are all deeply influential in your experience of health. You are trusted with this gift of a vessel, aka your body and the energy field it exists within, with the greatest technology ever invented - your consciousness - which will direct you when to reach for external help and who is aligned to deliver it.”


Old Earth

“There is a climate crisis, an emergency, happening right now and you should be alarmed, shocked, and in great fear about it. If you don’t change nearly everything about your lifestyle including eating fake processed foods that your body doesn’t recognize and can’t break down, you and everyone else will die by 2050. Shipping consumer goods across the oceans and dropping gas into the water, must keep the economy moving. Don’t look at the top 1% or those in media and politics to see what they are or aren’t doing to help the environment. Simply stop doing everything we tell you to while simultaneously spending whatever you have on everything we market to you so you are distracted and in fear.”

New Earth

“The nature of climate, the lands, the elements have always shifted. It is good to understand cycles, to be flexible, adaptable, prepared. To understand there is more land available to us and we can choose to reroute our lives to live on land more regeneratively. Yes, there are many ways in which humans are contributing to the toxicity and imbalance of the earth as well as their own bodies. It is good to educate yourself, and make conscious choices. This is a time to innovate, become curious, present, in tune with nature, in tune with yourself. The environment is a reflection of your own psyche, of what you allow to take place, and whether that supports or violates your soul standards. Get clear on that, and you will no longer let fear rule you around climate change.”


Old Earth

“Your community is your family, church, whoever is geographically near you, whether you like them or not, whether the relationship and communication is healthy or not. You sacrifice your truth if you are asked, told, or required to. Peer pressure is valid. You comply with what’s expected. You take it for the team. Herd mentality.”

New Earth

“Your community is based on frequency, soul agreement, shared values-truth-vision-goals-standards. Your community is located everywhere in the world, locally and globally. This is one of the keys uses of the internet - to find your resonant people. To see that when you join together, intentionally, with clear boundaries, deep roots, and respectful communication, your combined energy changes the world.”

Vanessa Smith - Energy Guidance

Energy Guide and Spiritual Mentor, Messenger, & Mobilizer around aligning your purpose work with this paradigm shift. You are here for a reason. Own your role with soul level confidence and crystal clear clarity, as you pave the way forward, building and bridging to what’s next.

Founder of New Earth Collab, where you can grow your transformational business in community and gain the momentum, impact, and connection you know you’re here for.

How old and new earth paradigms differ


How New Earth energy is different from the old